Say hi to the updated Human Generator with hundreds of new poses and negative prompts for fine-tuning your AI humans.
Human Generator has quite a few new features for smoother, easier image generation. Let’s dive in and take a look at the latest features.
Negative prompts
All AI image generators inevitably add a bit of randomization into each generation. Negative prompts are there to control the randomizer so that the generations are closer to what you need. By using them, you can tell the AI what elements you don’t want to see in the final image.
Let’s say you want a Panamanian woman with a coconut at the beach. But you don’t want any visual distractions like palm trees, beach umbrellas, and rocks in the background. No problem, make sure you add all those to the list of negative prompts. This way, Human Generator will know you want a clean portrait picture with no additional embellishments.

All parameters in the prompt window
Human Generator has 17 different generation parameters. If you adjust each of them and then decide to edit your human, going through the list of parameters one by one can take a while. But now, in case you need to change one of those, you can do it right in the prompt window. There is no need to scroll down and fix each parameter individually. Just click on the “x” to delete a parameter, or click on its name to tweak it.
Generation history
Made a flawless AI human, but accidentally hit Generate variation instead of Download? No worries, your creation is not hopelessly lost in the abyss of AI humans. You can now find all your recent generations in the History tab. To open it, click on your user avatar in the top right corner and then click History.
Human Generator keeps all the humans you have created within the past 30 days. In case you need to go back to an older generation and tweak it, you can open it right from your history. You can also delete the less successful attempts or clear the entire history.
New poses
Human Generator has over 200 new poses for humans of all genders and ages. More than 100 of them are for adult males and females — our most popular humans. The new Human Generator has more poses for portrait pictures, as well as a wide selection of fashion photography-inspired stances.
Plus, now your collection of poses doesn’t change when you switch the gender. You can choose a teenage female’s pose for an adult male if you want — but if you do, Human Generator will show you a disclaimer to make sure you don’t get too dumbfounded by the result.
Here are some adult female poses for you to explore. Click right on the image to open the human in Human Generator and continue editing.

And some AI-made men you can have fun editing further!

Don’t forget to share your AI humans on social media and tag us. We can’t wait to see your creations on X, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Dribbble!