Already working on Halloween theme? Probably you will need some Halloween photos for your design projects, website or blog pages, seasonal sales, invitations or marketing campaigns. Good news: we have just extended our stock photo gallery on Moose with the huge set of images featuring all the traditional stuff for autumn holidays. Free hi-res photos of pumpkins and apples, hot drinks and cinnamon, candles, cozy blankets, leaves, masks, and decorations are ready to support your goals and ideas. And for sure, lots of photos with people in Halloween costumes, makeup, and mood.
See the full collection on Moose photos. And just in case you need Halloween icons – check another freebie with cute and funny vector images from our team.
All the photos here are clickable. To reach the particular original photo at Moose and download it high-res, just click it.

All photos are from Moose stock. All photos are free for a link.
Don’t miss the collection of free Halloween vector icons.
Check the sets of funny photo collages with cats, cryptocurrency photos and minimalist wallpapers.
Read the article on legal ways to get stock photos for your projects and learn how to make money submitting images to stock photo websites.