Except being among the most popular pets, cats are obviously the great players in content creation. Numerous memes, collages, funny photos and illustrations with cat characters quickly win in the struggle for users’ attention. Knowing that we couldn’t leave Moose photo stock without a cat. But it would be too simple to show you just typical cat photos: as you know, the goal we set for Moose is to share photos that work together in various contexts. So, today let us show how it works.
Check the collection of funny collage photos which were compiled and retouched to present different situations, various people, and even dogs – all combined with purrfect grace of the cat. Don’t hesitate to use them for your blog or marketing campaign – all the Moose photos are free for the link.
All the photos here are clickable. To reach the particular original photo at Moose and download it high-res, just click it.

See the collection of bitcoin stock photos and free stock images on traveling and vacations.
Read the article on legal ways to get stock photos for your projects and learn how to make money submitting images to stock photo websites.
Check more photos in Moose gallery