Want to see your post published on Icons8? Here we tell you how to do it.

Why Creators Don’t Write

Who knows the job better than the professionals? Nobody. But there are some problems in sharing their knowledge on the Web:

  • Some designers would like to share their experience but they are too busy or too shy to write
  • Other professionals quite like writing and have cool content but don’t know where to post it and have no time to search for opportunities
  • One more group are those who have something great to share but are afraid that their English is not good enough

Know the pains? Just forget about them – here is a solution.

Join Us, Post Here

Let’s join together to solve it: we welcome you, creative guys with experience to share, to Icons8 blog. Designers, developers, digital artists, photographers, advertising and marketing specialists, managers organizing creative flows and others who have something interesting to tell about  – here we have a team ready to help you spread a word about your craft and present your achievements.

Content to Post

We invite you to publish:

  • Articles
  • Tutorials
  • Case studies
  • Useful lists
  • Tools and services reviews
  • Guides

The themes may present all the variety of directions in design: UI, UX, web, interaction, graphic design, logos and branding, digital art, game art, photography, etc. Issues of productivity, management, collaboration, education are also actual.

Sure, we are interested in original stuff that wasn’t published before.

Desired size: between 800 to 2000 words (but everything can be discussed)

Desired visual support: screenshots, illustrations, photos, links to videos on YouTube or Vimeo – stuff that illustrates and clarifies the text for readers

Pricing: free for valuable content.

How to Publish

Just two simple steps:

Step 1 – email us the publication as a link to Google Doc or Dropbox Paper at blog@icons8.com
Step 2 – wait for our reply (it will be fast!)

That’s it!

Important Notes

  • Don’t hesitate to share a set of points/tips/ideas: if it contains useful and interesting content, our editor will give you the necessary help to work out the article out of your writing.
  • If you are a non-native speaker of English, it’s not a reason to keep silent: we will take proofreading and editing on our side in case the content is valuable for design/development community.
  • If you don’t have any writing experience, here is a great chance to start. We are ready to support you.

What Is Our Interest?

We remember our own start really well and know how precious support is. We want to broaden the horizons for professionals to share knowledge, practice, and experience and have a well-established platform for it here on our blog. Sharing icons, photos, music, and tools for free – why won’t we share the opportunity to get published as well?

Also, we hope to connect with interesting people who know their craft. Networking and communication with cool guys – isn’t that a great prize?

So, if you have what to share – don’t wait too long, join us.

Title photo: Moose

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