Figma plugins to optimize your design workflow
Discover top Figma plugins to streamline your workflow, enhance visuals, and add creative flair to your designs—all in one place!

Figma: design without breaking the bank. Tips to avoid costly mistakes
Unraveling Figma’s pricing structure: tips to avoid hefty bills and save money.

New Pichon: easier, better, faster
Easier downloading, the grid scale control, and other UX improvements. This update will make your workflow in Pichon more comfortable and efficient.

Curated graphics, image organizer, and AI tools in a single app
Store, organize, and manage your photos, screenshots, and reference images right next to Icons8 graphics.

Top 8 UI prototyping tools to try in 2023
Discover the list of the UI prototyping tools available on the market. Find out their features and cons, and make an informed decision when building prototypes.

Lunacy 7: welcome Lunacy Cloud and collaboration
Lunacy steps up to a new level. For this version, we focused on real-time collaboration and Lunacy Cloud. And it’s all still free!

Tech Toolbox: 50+ Web Tools and Services To Solve Various Problems
Let us give you a glance at another comprehensive showcase of effective web tools and services for various goals.

Comment Tool In Lunacy Design Software
Use the Comment tool to keep your to-do lists and notes and discuss your work with your teammates and customers. Currently, comments work only within documents.

Cutting Out Rasters In Lunacy Design Software
Did you ever need to cut out a specific part of an image? Now you can do it directly in Lunacy with the cutout tool!

AI-Generated Photos To Use as Avatars in Lunacy
Now Lunacy users can use AI-generated images for avatars in their prototypes of user interfaces. Combined with Lunacy’s text snippets, the avatar tool is a re

Prototype Previewer in Lunacy Design Software
You asked and we did it. We’ve added our own prototyping previewer to Lunacy, the free graphic software.

Lunacy 6: Free Sketch Alternative for Windows with Design Assets Built-In
Lunacy 6 adds useful improvements and more assets to the leading Sketch alternative for Windows. Best of all it is still FREE!

Best Free Drawing Software: 8 Strong Candidates
Paid tools for digital painting have set the industry standard for what is possible with these programs, right? Not necessary. There is so much great free drawi

30+ handy tools and services for modern entrepreneurs
Review a bunch of handy online tools and web services that daily help businesses cover multiple tasks.

Try Magnets in Lunacy
Try Magnets, a brand-new way to align text in Lunacy, and check the other updates in the free graphic design software