product design

What Is Print On Demand?

Print-on-demand is the process of creating and printing personalized designs of a product and then selling it under a brand…

4 years ago

10 Hot Logo Design Trends for 2021

Does your logo need polishing up? Then be sure to check out this overview of the hot logo design trends…

4 years ago

How Travel Brands Are Using Conversational AI

Introducing conversational AI to travel industry isn’t just a whim of travel companies to remain trendy. Check the reasons to…

5 years ago

Fashion Art: 5 Inspiring Collaborations of Illustrators and Fashion Brands

Unique print, strong message, limited quantity — for a number of fashion giants it has become a tradition to invite…

6 years ago

AI & UX. A Match Made in Hell or a Perfect Partnership?

Well-done UX design keeps users happy and engaged, now also with the support of artificial intelligence. Let’s see how some…

6 years ago

Digital Illustration: The Power of Contrast in Tom Haugomat’s Art

Check the big inspiring collection of digital illustrations by French illustrator Tom Haugomat and review the multiple examples of digital…

6 years ago

Effective Tips on Impactful Packaging Design

The design of your product packaging can make or break its success and has a direct impact on the number…

6 years ago

Designer Notes: Identity Design Integrated in Digital Product

Integration of identity design into interfaces for web and mobile is a creative challenge. Read how it's done with logo,…

6 years ago

Print Design: 15 Tips to Make Your Book Cover a Total Success

If you do judge a book by its cover, here's the article to share effective strategies and tips how to…

7 years ago

Mobile UX: Basic Steps of Product Design for Applications

Mobile app user experience design includes the vital steps to consider at the start for making the product successful. Read…

7 years ago

Boarding pass usability: how to save two human lifetimes per year

Every second planes are taking off worldwide. We pay a lot of attention to costs, destinations, boarding, and many many…

9 years ago

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