Choosing the right size and format for icons
See all the guidelines and recommendations of the most suitable icon formats for each OS in one place.

iOS 17: a new era of interactive stickers
The literal eye-candy of a mobile OS. The new iOS 17 introduces Live Stickers, a centralized sticker drawer, and personalized Contact Posters.

Swap faces right on your iPhone. For free!
Today we’re launching our Face Swapper for iOS. A handy app to have fun or do some serious stuff like protecting your privacy on the web.

Glyph Neue icons: 1,500+ free icons, good old style with brand-new detailing
The time has come to update those good old glyphs. Say goodbye to sausage hands and legs, welcome human forms and finer details!

“Aesthetic” App Icons to Customize Home Screen. Why “Aesthetic”?
Download the diversity of "aesthetic" app icons to customize the home screen of your iPhone. And learn why we call them "aesthetic".

How to customize app icons on your iPhone: step-by-step guide
iPhone users can now customize widgets and icons on their home screens. Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to add a custom app icon.

How iOS Users Unleash Creativity with Custom Widgets on Home Screen
Apple allowed iOS users to customize widgets on their home screen - and it pushed all the limits of creativity for iPhone users. Here we've collected a diversit

UI Design: 14 IOS Icon Packs for Your App Design Project
The Icons8 collection reached the mark of 80 000 icons and iOS icons are among the most popular. Have a look at some of the fresh icon packs and get what you ne

Default Colors for Windows, iOS, and Android
This is a quick reference for the standard colors for the major operating systems. Use a color picker to take the colors from these screenshots.