The most important icon ever
The only icon that brings a sense of joy and relief every single time you see it. Unless you’re a janitor.

Aesthetic Instagram Highlights covers to boost your followers
Make your Instagram profile pop! Get savvy with Icons8 for dazzling Highlights covers that draw followers.

Clear, intuitive, convenient: big UI update in the Icons library
The new interface takes visual clarity to another level. Icon search is now faster than ever before.

What’s new in Pichon
Pichon for MacOS got a new update. Here are some bits of what is inside the latest version.

Beauty salon for your icon: edit your SVGs for free with Iconizer
Ever found a nearly perfect icon that needed just a few touch-ups? With Iconizer, you can edit any SVG image in seconds for free.

Back to School Images: 20+ Packs of Free School Clipart and Icons
For those who search for the school clipart, we've collected the most popular clip art for teachers and various icons on education theme: check widely used educ

FAQ page makeover: integrating graphics for a captivating design
Revamp your FAQ page with graphics! Discover how to blend visuals with info for a memorable, user-friendly experience. Make FAQs engaging and effective.

UI design inspiration: 12 app concepts by the Icons8 users
If we took a shot every time we saw an awesome design with our graphics, we'd be totally wasted. Check these beauties out!

Spatial UI: how to optimize apps for Apple Vision Pro
Ready to turn your app into a spatial experience with visionOS? Check out Apple’s official guidelines.

Chatbot interface graphics: enhancing user experience through design
Discover how chatbot interface graphics—from 2D visuals to emotional AI—are reshaping user experiences and explore what’s next in design innovation.

2022 highlights: tons of fresh graphics, a stock with adjustable images, improved Lunacy, and much more
Icons8 2022 is wrapped! It's time to recap some of our design highlights. Here’s what we accomplished this year, with links to see it all in detail.

How to design Instagram Highlight icons in 2023
Learn how to elevate your Insta profile by customizing highlight icons.

Building image search for an icon stock: how it works
What's under hood of our search by image technology? Not only machine learning.

How to find the right icons faster and manage them with ease
We draw hundreds of new icons every day and continuously create new icon packs. At the same time, we’re constantly improving our website UX.

The art of talking back: microinteraction as a tool that engages users
Overview of how microinteractions can work for you and why they are trending now.