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5 Solid Tips for Outstanding Graphic Design Marketing

5 Solid Tips for Outstanding Graphic Design Marketing

Promoting yourself as a graphic designer is not an easy challenge. Check 5 tips how to do it effectively and get more clients.

Interaction Design: 7 Basic Types of UI Animation

Interaction Design: 7 Basic Types of UI Animation

The article presents 7 widely used types of UI animation in web and mobile interfaces: check how motion can support usability and beauty of apps and websites.

7 Things That Make Graphic Designer’s Life So Much Easier

7 Things That Make Graphic Designer’s Life So Much Easier

The article shares seven things and resources that make the life of a graphic designer easier and more inspired. Do you use them?

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating User-Centric App Wireframe

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating User-Centric App Wireframe

The article explains the benefits and goals of wireframing in the UX design process and provides a step-by-step guide to making wireframes for a mobile applicat

Online Education: Top 8 Ways to Study Web Design

Online Education: Top 8 Ways to Study Web Design

Many people around the globe are showing interest in learning how to build and design websites. Are you looking for ways to learn web design? Here are top 8 way

Card Sorting in 2018: Explanation, Example, and Online Tools

Card Sorting in 2018: Explanation, Example, and Online Tools

For user testing, card sorting is a simple method of organizing any data. Unlike classic guides, this one is written for people living in 2018, when there's the

Why UX and CRO Must Go Hand in Hand for an Effective Content Strategy

Why UX and CRO Must Go Hand in Hand for an Effective Content Strategy

An optimized website is a result of CRO (conversion rate optimization) and UX (user experience) effectively working together. Check why it's important for the c

Print Design: 15 Tips to Make Your Book Cover a Total Success

Print Design: 15 Tips to Make Your Book Cover a Total Success

If you do judge a book by its cover, here's the article to share effective strategies and tips how to design an original book cover with lots of examples.

7 steps to improve user experience with well-crafted content

7 steps to improve user experience with well-crafted content

Learn how to optimize user experience through quality content. Explore the importance of good design, smooth running, and relevant brand messaging.

The Future of Photography and Hacks You Need to Know in 2018

The Future of Photography and Hacks You Need to Know in 2018

2018 is the current zenith of photographic technology but progress doesn't stand still. Read how innovations open new perspectives for photographers with 3D pri

7 Insane Features from Top Chinese Apps, and what they tell us about the human condition

7 Insane Features from Top Chinese Apps, and what they tell us about the human condition

The article reviews interesting and insane features of top Chinese mobile applications with a big bunch of screenshots and spiced with humor.

Design Career: One Product Designer’s Story of Relocation to the USA

Design Career: One Product Designer’s Story of Relocation to the USA

The article presents a real story from a product designer who dreamt to relocate to the USA and how he made his dream come true. Check useful tips and real expe

Join Us: How to Publish Your Cool Content on Icons8 Blog

Join Us: How to Publish Your Cool Content on Icons8 Blog

Want to see your post published on Icons8? Here we tell you how to do it. Designers, developers, digital artists, photographers, and other creatives  - here we

7 Tips to Design Top-Ranked Mobile Apps in 2018

7 Tips to Design Top-Ranked Mobile Apps in 2018

Mobile apps are an integral part of user's daily routine worldwide: check 7 useful tips on user experience design for top-ranked mobile applications.

Web UX: Don’t Let Your Website Damage Your Business

Web UX: Don’t Let Your Website Damage Your Business

The priority of a website in any industry is providing users and leads with the best experience possible. Check frequent mistakes that make damage the business

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