Posts tagged

design basics

What is a glyph icon?
Graphic assets

What is a glyph icon?

There are many ways to define a glyph. Let's take a look at what glyph icons are in typography and graphic design.

How to make pixel-perfect icons

How to make pixel-perfect icons

Learn how to choose the right scale, stroke width, and level of detail to design universally compatible icons.

Can you get a decent icon design with only a photo reference?
Graphic assets

Can you get a decent icon design with only a photo reference?

Read about the creative experiment on one icon design and learn how differently people see the same task.

Small but iconic: guide to a variety of interface icons
Graphic assets

Small but iconic: guide to a variety of interface icons

The article considers the role of icons in user interfaces and different aspects of their classification: check different types of interface icons for web and m

All you need to know about color palettes in web design in 2023

All you need to know about color palettes in web design in 2023

Want to know how to create a color palette that works for your UI? Dive in for tips, inspiration, and an overview of the upcoming trends.

Choosing the right size and format for icons
Graphic assets

Choosing the right size and format for icons

See all the guidelines and recommendations of the most suitable icon formats for each OS in one place.

Choosing the right video file format for your project

Choosing the right video file format for your project

Some video files have just the video track, others carry 3D data. Some take up gigabytes of storage, others are under 1 MB. Let's pick the best one for you

A few things you should know about typography

A few things you should know about typography

What is the difference between typography and typeface, what are the attributes of a font, and how great should a line height be? Let’s take a look.

Icon design tips for a killer UI
Graphic assets

Icon design tips for a killer UI

Learn how to get spacing, sizing, and alignment right to make your icon both legible and usable.

Types of gradients and how to use them

Types of gradients and how to use them

Your ultimate cheat sheet on gradients and how to use them to power up your designs.

The power of shapes in graphic design

The power of shapes in graphic design

Rectangles are safe and circles are too, triangles are bold and so are you. Dive in to see how various shapes affect the vibe of your design.

Keeping it simple: how to use minimal backgrounds in UI design

Keeping it simple: how to use minimal backgrounds in UI design

Maximalism might be making a comeback, but minimalism is still dominating the UI design. Here is how you can embrace it in your UI.

Minimalism in poster design: when it began and how to do it right today

Minimalism in poster design: when it began and how to do it right today

If you’ve never heard of primary and secondary hooks or the AIDA principle, it’s time to learn some poster theory.

The ultimate guide to the anatomy of modern logos

The ultimate guide to the anatomy of modern logos

Why is every other logo blue and flat? How is a lettermark different from a letterform? Our guide to logo design explains this and more.

File types in graphic design and how to choose them
Design tools

File types in graphic design and how to choose them

There are instances when even relatively experienced designers start doubting themselves about what file type to use.

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