Face Generator is nominated for the Golden Kitty Award on Product Hunt! Your support means a lot!
You’re in control. Unlike random face generators, you can tailor any face to your requirements in a couple of clicks: change the skin tone, eye, and hair color, make it older or happier, or wear glasses.
AI trained on diverse photos. Compare faces generated by our app to faces from thispersondoesntexist below. Note how diverse the Face Generator people are in terms of ethnicity, age, emotions, and hairstyles.
Yes. AI bias exists. All other AIs have been trained on two sets of photos:
To minimize this bias and train our AI, we took photos ourselves. We shoot hundreds of models of different colors, body types, and ages (you don’t know how hard it is to shoot kids!).
Welcome to play around with our app. Generate a photo of your high school crush or your ex getting bald. It’s fun! Share your results with us on Twitter!
To support us on Product Hunt, follow this link.
And here’s a bonus pack of creeps generated by our AI when it was young and not so well-trained.
Need more faces for ML training? Check out our datasets.
Looking to protect your identity? Upload a photo to the AI Anonymizer.
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