Icons8 is full of features that nobody knows about. While our team makes weekly releases of new features and improvements, many of our free and paid customers are unaware of that.
- Some members of our community think we produce nothing more than a huge ZIP file with a bunch of flat and line icons inside.
- Sometimes, people request some of these features.
- Once, a paid customer asked to recommend a third party software for the feature we have.
1. Grid View
Level of discoverability: true love
This feature is my favorite one. It allows seeing the same icon in all different styles (13 at the moment). When testing the usability, none of our participants used it. However, when we said this feature exists, they quickly found it and some were enjoying it.

2. Effects
Level of discoverability: a sock in a washer
Our analytics expert defines those who ever tried the effects as advanced. Only 6% of our community ever tried it.
Effects allow to add basic stuff to the icons without launching Sketch or Illustrator:
- Adding a box or circle around the icon
- Adding some spacing
- Adding text (good for adding numbers and abbreviations to the icons like empty document)
- My favorite: adding the overlays. In the example below, I’ve added the lock overlay to the bird icon.
- Adding stroke, which was the hardest to do — a hard math.
3. Importing Your Icons
Level of discoverability: Atlantida
- Generate PNG of any size
- Recolor
- Generate fonts

4. Collections
Level of discoverability: a TV remote
- A collection of icons for a specific project
- Icons that you use frequently
- Icons to generate font

5. PNGs and Vectors of Any Size
Level of discoverability: an ideal guy

6. Fonts
Level of discoverability: honest politician

7. HTML and CSS Snippets
Level of discoverability: memory leak
- HTML with SVG source code
- IMG tag with base64-encoded source
- CSS injection with base64-encoded data

8. Desktop Apps
Level of discoverability: in fact, they’re pretty popular

9. Reporting Bugs
Level of discoverability: visible, but rarely used