Try a diversity of free backgrounds from our photo stock to add some elegance – or fun! – to your Zoom meetings.
For months, we’ve rendered the big set of 3D backgrounds to be used in multiple photo collages and in Mega Creator. Now they’ve got another option of usage, with the functionality of virtual backgrounds which look great when used in conjunction with a high-quality webcam like these, making recording a Zoom meeting very natural. View some of them below and choose from the full backgrounds collection on the Icons8 Photos website. All the images are free, so don’t hesitate to add diversity to your calls and virtual lessons!

If you want to add some fun to your Zoom meetings, consider animated background options. For instance, check out these zoom backgrounds offered by
Using different backgrounds during a Zoom meeting isn’t that difficult. However, it’s not easy to change your webcam background in other apps that do not support changing background. To solve this, you can use FineShare FineCam to change webcam background easily for free.
Useful links:
Branded virtual backgrounds