Design tools

Handy tools and design resources for designers, developers, and content creators.

Generate series of consistent illustrations in unique art styles

Generate series of consistent illustrations in unique art styles

Discover the power of the first and only AI image generator made by professional artists.

How to Create a Custom Vector Illustration From Stock Content
Design tools

How to Create a Custom Vector Illustration From Stock Content

In this article, we’ll show how to craft your own illustrations in several easy steps. Without any dedicated graphic software. Without any special skills. The

How To Create A Valentine Card In Lunacy
Design tools

How To Create A Valentine Card In Lunacy

Here is a tutorial on creating a romantic image in Lunacy.

Cutting Out Rasters In Lunacy Design Software
Design tools

Cutting Out Rasters In Lunacy Design Software

Did you ever need to cut out a specific part of an image? Now you can do it directly in Lunacy with the cutout tool!

How To Create A Valentine Card In Lunacy: Simple Tutorial
Design tools

How To Create A Valentine Card In Lunacy: Simple Tutorial

Are you preparing for Valentine’s day and want to create a custom card for your special other? I’ve made a simple tutorial on making Valentine’s day card

Sketch Alternatives: Tools That Can Totally Replace Sketch For Your Design Needs
Design tools

Sketch Alternatives: Tools That Can Totally Replace Sketch For Your Design Needs

Sketch once dominated the world of UI design tools. But these days, we have an array of Sketch alternatives that are on par with Sketch and even outmatch it in

Happy New Design Year from Icons8 Team and Quick Look Back at 2020
Design tools

Happy New Design Year from Icons8 Team and Quick Look Back at 2020

Happy New Year, dear creatives. Thanks for being with us in 2020, let's look back at it. Next year we'll continue making tons of design stuff from Icons8 for yo

How to turn Generated Photos into 3D characters
Design tools

How to turn Generated Photos into 3D characters

Collaboration of Generated Photos and Reallusion: go from 2D to 3D with Reallusion and get 50% OFF Reallusion 2D and 3D software.

Background Remover: Free Tool To Remove Background From Any Image

Background Remover: Free Tool To Remove Background From Any Image

Icons8 team rolls out a new AI-based tool: meet Background Remover, a free tool that allows you to quickly remove the background from any photo.

AI Anonymizer Becomes Twitter’s New Fave Toy

AI Anonymizer Becomes Twitter’s New Fave Toy

AI Anonymizer, an online tool that creates your synthetic look-alike and helps protect identity online, is rocketing as a new favorite toy on Twitter, known as

How to Create a New Year Card with Custom Illustrations in Lunacy
Design tools

How to Create a New Year Card with Custom Illustrations in Lunacy

A new design tutorial presents a step-by-step process on how to make a custom New Year card in Lunacy, free graphic software with built-in design assets.

How to Protect Rape Victims from PornHub

How to Protect Rape Victims from PornHub

An excellent article in the New York Times highlights a significant problem: PornHub is infested with rape videos. Here we are offering the solution.

How to Make a Christmas Card in Lunacy: Simple Tutorial
Design tools

How to Make a Christmas Card in Lunacy: Simple Tutorial

Do you want to design some custom Christmas cards? Here is a simple tutorial on how to make a Christmas card in free Lunacy software with built-in design assets

Anonymizer: Use Free Generated Photos to Keep Your Identity Safe

Anonymizer: Use Free Generated Photos to Keep Your Identity Safe

The new tool from the Generated Photos team is up. Meet free Anonymizer and use photos generated by AI to keep your identity safe for free.

AI-Generated Photos To Use as Avatars in Lunacy

AI-Generated Photos To Use as Avatars in Lunacy

Now Lunacy users can use AI-generated images for avatars in their prototypes of user interfaces. Combined with Lunacy’s text snippets, the avatar tool is a re

Smart Upscaler 2.0: Image Enhancer with Bulk Uploading and API

Smart Upscaler 2.0: Image Enhancer with Bulk Uploading and API

Smart Upscaler 2.0 is released. Get even bigger, crisper images with this AI-powered image enhancer, try bulk upload, and get access to API.

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