Photo Inspiration: 12 Free Stylish Stock Images of Elegant Outfit Details
Collection of stylish professional shots on fashion and style from Moose, the huge photo stock gallery by the Icons8 team. All the photos are free to use for th

Icon Design: 6 Temptations of a Graphic Designer
The article covers the theme of icon design: check how to create a good icon and learn what temptations are dangerous in the creative process.

Powerful Favs: The Big Role of Favicon in Web Usability
The article reviews the role of favicons in web usability and positive user experience: check the definition, benefits, formats and favicon generators.

How to Steal Stock Photos and Ways to Get Them Legally
Finding an image online without paying a cent seems like an easy task. However, there are instances when you would face a major fine. Let’s see how to use sto

Five Designers Draw: One Icon
That’s how it starts. Fiverr: 5 designers. 5 designs. $5 each. One task. Check the process and the result.

We Love SVG: Google Fonts for Icons
We Love SVG is Google Fonts for icons. It makes it quick and easy to insert the icons into web pages. We Love SVG contains 9,769 icons from 30 icon packs. How

Must Have Icons for UX Design
What icons are the most popular and downloaded more often than the others? We've collected a pack of top icons for UX design projects in this post.

New icons styles, features, and old bugs! Fixed.
Check a bunch of updates, new styles for icons, features and fixed bugs in the Icons8 Mac app.

New Icon Packs in 2017
Here we go with the new icon styles that we release in spring 2017: Gradient Line, Blue UI, Cute Color, Dotted, and Simple Small icons.

Secret Stories Behind Drawing Icons
Icon business is dead serious. There can’t be things like extra lines and every pixel matters. Yet, it can also be a lot of fun when people ask you to draw so

Icons in UI Design. Great Power of Small Details
Review the user interface design examples showing the big importance of small icons for usability and beauty of applications

How to Combine Icons from Different Sets in Your UI
There is no problem in finding icons, the variety is huge. With that, however, comes a problem. Learn how to effectively combine icons from different sets.

3 Simple Tips to Improve Your App Icon Design
Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention and is helpful for users. Learn 3 simple rules of making your app icon shine.