For most design projects and presentations, a common part is searching for photos of people. What designers strive for is quality images that are also diverse, free, and legal. What’s more, it often means spending precious time looking for the proper photo content all around the Web. Today it got much easier: the new free resource Generated Photos has just been launched to help. It shares a diverse library of 100,000 incredibly realistic faces created by artificial intelligence. Join the release party on Product Hunt or explore the details about it right here.
Faces Produced by Artificial Intelligence
Generated Photos is the free resource of 100k faces to use for a variety of creative goals. What makes them special is that all the free images were produced completely by artificial intelligence. None of these people is real!

In fact, this is the milestone which the creative team decided to share on the way to the ultimate goal: creating a simple API that can produce infinite diversity of photo content. A part of the process is training and refining the generative models. The iterations move fast although not everything is perfect yet. So you will also have some fun with the pack of AI-generated photos. When you see a face that is a bit ‘off’, just give it some slack.
In-House Training Data
We all know that the future can be unnerving at times. That is why the team went above and beyond to assure personal safety:
- All the training data was shot in-house and is fully model released.
- No images were pulled from stock media or scraped from the internet.

Such an approach requires thousands of hours of labor, but in the end, it will certainly be worth it!
These faces feature:
- Consistent lighting
- Consistent sizing
- Range of angles, positions
- Range of facial expressions
- Wide variety of ethnicities
- All ages
- All face shapes

No Copyright
Have your next mockup, presentation, or website looking great with these fresh faces. No copyrights, royalties, or other legal issues to worry about. Everything is free to use as long as you include link attribution back to so that more people can find us. Currently, these faces are available for non-commercial use only.

How to Use
Free images in the pack are handy for:
- user interface design for web and mobile applications
- landing pages
- emails and newsletters
- presentations
- educational projects, handouts, and worksheets
- user avatars

So, the resource lets creators fill their creative projects with beautiful photos of people that will never take their time and money in real life.
Next Stage: What to Expect Soon
The project is in progress: now the team works on one simple API that will become an even closer step to the infinite diversity of photos. It will allow to organize and search all the base of free images according to the meta properties and physical properties.

Download the pack of AI-generated faces and have fun! Or join the discussion on Product Hunt.
AI helping creators is not a fantastic thing anymore.